Alps 2 Adria – Sport

As Alps 2 Adria, we are excited to announce that we will expand our range of offerings to include more sportive tours, focusing on mountain biking road cycling and multi-sports enthusiasts in the South-East Alp region. Our decision to cater to adventure-seeking travelers was made due to the growing demand for outdoor activities in the region and also due to the fact that we love these sports ourselves.

We do this under the name “Alps 2 Adria – Sport”. On this specially themed website you will (soon) find all the sportive tours we offer and other useful information you need, for your sportive cycling holiday in the south-east Alps. As a company with its base in this region, the team of Alps 2 Adria, knows this area better then anyone: we cycle the routes, knows the hotel owners, and can tell you the hidden secrets. This makes us your ideal partner for your next cycling trip or event.